W W W. P A C E . E D U / D Y S O N
Professor of Modern Languages and Cultures
Andriy Danylenko, PhD
Quoted in The Wall Street Journal, March 2022
On the impo ance of pronouncing and spelling the Ukrainian
capital as the preferred "Kyiv," rather than the Russian version:
Professor of Environmental Studies
E. Melanie Dupuis, PhD
Quoted in The New York Times, August 2021
On comparing the impacts of using plastic or co on
shopping bags, referencing that the shi towards co on
bags has led companies to use additional layers of packaging,
which can also be damaging to the environment:
"This is a sensitive question; it's already politically connotated."
"We end up in an environmental what-about-ism that leaves consumers
with the idea that there is no solution."
Associate Professor of Writing and Cultural Studies
Robe Mundy, DA
Quoted in U.S. News and World Repo , December 2021
On the misconception that Gender Studies degrees are only
suited for women:
"Gender studies and feminism are not based on this widely held but false belief that such work
will be the 'end' of men or that men will somehow be 'replaced.' The field is also expansive and
ever-growing, though some might believe otherwise."
Associate Professor of History
Durahn Taylor, PhD
Quoted in Newsday, August 2021
On how the history of the polio vaccine relates to
the COVID-19 vaccine:
"The [polio] vaccine trials were a great human experiment. If there was vaccine
hesitancy then, it was overpowered by a greater fear of polio. Parents didn't want to feel
that their kid got sick or died because they did nothing."