Dyson College of Arts and Sciences

Psychology Graduate Programs Catalog 2023-24

Dyson College of Arts and Sciences

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www.pace.edu/dyson/psych-nyc developmental psychology, as well as biological bases of behavior. ese classes are followed in the later years of the program by specialized courses in advanced statistics and the biological underpinnings of physical and mental health, such as neurology and psychopharmacology. Mentor-guided research training begins in the first year, with mentors typically inviting first-year students to participate in on-going projects in the lab. is may include providing data sets for students to complete secondary data analyses, such as the Master's thesis, which is to be completed by the end of the second year. Mentors provide students substantial guidance and feedback on student-led research projects, particularly through the Master's thesis stage. As students reach doctoral candidacy, they are expected to conduct heavily independent research, with continued consultation from their research mentors. Clinical training is also sequential, with didactics and supervision supporting students' assessment and intervention training at our inhouse clinic, the McShane Center for Psychological Services, followed by top-notch field training experiences at academic medical centers and clinics across the tri-state area. ree further years of supervised fieldwork experience are also required in the PhD in Clinical Psychology (Health Care Emphasis) program. Two years (generally third and fourth) are externships at approved settings, each year leading to the accumulation of 840 hours of clinical psychology experience. e final year (generally the fih year) involves a full-time internship leading to the accumulation of 1,750 hours of clinical psychology experience. Generally, internships involve application through the Association of Psychology Postdoctoral and Internship Centers. Readiness for externship and internship, and site-approval will be determined by the Program Director and Field Training Director, with consultation of the Program Committee. Students must achieve competency with each element of the program before on to the next component of training and demonstrate foundational knowledge before moving on to professional practice courses. Upon completion of the program, our graduates will have developed and be able to apply discipline-specific and profession- wide knowledge in research settings and in the clinical practice of health services psychology. All students must complete a doctoral dissertation—original research, a program evaluation, or another scholarly project—in the areas of clinical health psychology or clinical psychology with health care implications, to be approved by the dissertation committee. A dissertation committee is composed of a chair, who is typically the research mentor, along with two additional committee members. is three-member committee meets with the student for the proposal and throughout the process serves as an advisory committee for the student. e final committee for the dissertation may also include one or two additional readers who are invited to the committee only when the student is getting ready to defend. All committee members are given the student's written document, approved by the committee chair, three weeks prior to the defense. At least one-member of the final committee must be outside the core faculty of the PhD in Clinical Psychology (Health Care Emphasis) program. e dissertation proposal must be completed and approved before students are allowed to apply for Internship. e dissertation proposal presentation is constituted by a meeting scheduled with the research mentor (dissertation chair) and two committee members. ree weeks before the meeting the candidate gives the dissertation proposal to the committee. At the end of the meeting, the committee and candidate agree to the details of the proposal; the candidate makes any changes requested by the committee to the proposal document and obtains the signature of each committee member to the proposal approval form within a week of the meeting being held. • e protocol of the dissertation must be approved by Pace University's Institutional Review Board. • e final dissertation proposal meeting is scheduled with the entire dissertation committee. • e student will provide all committee members the final dissertation document, approved by the committee chair, three weeks prior to the oral proposal meeting. • Details regarding committee membership requirements, document preparation, and additional criteria pertaining to dissertation research, approvals, and manuscript preparation are described separately in additional program documentation. e PhD Program in Clinical Psychology (Health Care Emphasis) is a competency-based program. All students must demonstrate minimum levels of competence for each of the program goals. Competencies may be embedded within course requirements). A grade of B indicates that minimal standards have been met. Other competencies are gauged by qualifying exams, master's thesis, doctoral dissertation, practica at McShane Center for Psychological Services, additional practica, fieldwork, externship, and internship. For each of these, global and specific ratings of competencies made by instructors and supervisors will be indicative of competency attainment. Students will also be required to provide self-assessments. Regular communication with academic advisors is expected, and program faculty will engage students in yearly feedback meetings. Degree Requirements First Year (Fall) Credits PSY 705 Research Seminar I 1 PSY 718 Professional Seminar I 1 PSY 704 Advanced Developmental Psychology 3 PSY 717 Cognitive and Affective Bases of Behavior 3 PSY 721 Tests and Measurements 3

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