Dyson College of Arts and Sciences

Psychology Graduate Programs Catalog 2023-24

Dyson College of Arts and Sciences

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www.pace.edu/dyson/psych-nyc Goal 1: Research/evaluation: Developing an appropriate knowledge of how research methodology and statistics form the basis of evidence- based practice. Objectives for Goal 1: a. Understanding research methodology and appropriate integration of methodology with appropriate statistical techniques at a level commensurate with a high level of scientific inquiry, competence in critically evaluating professional literature, additional competence in scale development, and a thoroughgoing readiness to competently carry out both basic and applied research. b. Developing an appropriate knowledge of the relevance of research methodology and statistics to evidence-based practice. c. Active participation in research, under faculty guidance, with development and implementation of master's thesis research (to be completed by May of the second year), aer successful completion of the master's thesis, students are able to develop their Dissertation proposal to the satisfaction of the Advisor and Dissertation Committee. is project follows from psychological theory, considering appropriate research methodology and application of statistical methods. Goal 2: Ethics and legal standards: Application of ethical concepts and awareness of professional guidelines. Objectives for Goal 2: a. Application of ethical concepts and awareness of professional guidelines as well as local, state, and national legal issues regarding professional activities with individuals, groups, and organizations. Goal 3: Individual and cultural diversity: Providing psychological services in a way that includes awareness, sensitivity, and skills. Objectives for Goal 3: a. Providing psychological services in a way that includes awareness, sensitivity, and skills required to work professionally with diverse individuals, groups, and organizations. In so doing, students will show awareness of how their own backgrounds influence their own attitudes toward others; they will recognize the importance of issues pertaining to culture and individual diversity in clinical and other facets of professional practice, demonstrating sensitivity and skills required to work professionally with diverse individuals and groups. Goal 4: Professional values, attitudes, and behaviors: Attainment of a stable professional identity marked by concern for others and competencies for reflective practice, self-assessment, and self-care. Objectives for Goal 4: a. Demonstrates awareness of personal values and assumptions and biases in clinical practice. b. Demonstrates capability for accurate self-assessment and reflective practice as rated by observation of behaviors within group settings. c. Demonstrates personal responsibility and accountability as measured by features of dependability, such as record-keeping and meeting deadlines. d. Demonstrates adequate levels of objectivity, inquiry, and confidence in clinical work. Goal 5: Communication and interpersonal skills: Students will communicate and relate to others on a professional level. Objectives for Goal 5: a. Development of effective oral and written communication skills. b. Development of ability to develop effective relationships with a wide range of clients, colleagues, interdisciplinary team- members, organizations, and communities. Goal 6: Assessment: Students will attain broad range competencies in areas of psychological assessment related to assessment of cognitive functioning, personality disorders, and mental disorders. Objectives for Goal 6: a. Students develop assessment skills regarding intellectual and learning strengths and weaknesses. b. Students develop assessment skills regarding diagnosis of personality and mental disorders. c. Students develop assessment skills applicable in health-service settings requiring integrated care from a health-psychology perspective. Goal 7: Interventions: Students will select and implement interventions to alleviate suffering and promote health and well-being of individuals, groups, and organizations. Objectives for Goal 7: a. Interventions aimed at ameliorating adjustment, personality, and mental health difficulties experienced across the life span, including those related to individuals, families, and to those suffering medically-diagnosed illness. b. Development and implementation of evidence-based programmatic preventive interventions, addressing mental health, emotion, behavior, and relationships that, in some cases are related to medical health conditions across the lifespan. c. Providing psychotherapeutic services from a variety of theoretical perspectives and within an evidence-based model of practice. Goal 8: Supervision: Provision of evidence-based supervision of psychological services. Objectives for Goal 8: a. Students will understand the process of supervision from within several evidence-based and theoretically-anchored frameworks. b. Students will be able to provide effective supervision in the area of psychological assessment. c. Students will be able to provide effective supervision in the area of case formulation. Goal 9: Clinical health psychological consultation and interprofessional/interdisciplinary skills: Developing consultation

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