Dyson College of Arts and Sciences

Dyson Year in Review 2023-2024

Dyson College of Arts and Sciences

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W W W. P A C E . E D U / D Y S O N 7 Macy Alice Hayes '25 Communication and Media Studies, Political Science Park Development Intern at City Hall Park Conservancy, New York City About the internship: As the Park Development intern, Hayes suppo ed this nonprofit by working with a broad range of community members, prioritizing various project deliverables, managing and developing grant applications, and coordinating events for park visitors and the community. She helped develop a survey used to collect feedback from community stakeholders about ways in which the public space could be utilized. She also grew the park's social media presence, tracking analytics and sharing metrics with CHPC's leadership team to increase engagement and reach. Despite CHPC's limited funding and resources, by pa nering with other local nonprofit organizations they have increased their impact in the community. In my first week at CHPC, I a ended the signing of new urban forest legislation. Being at City Hall and witnessing positive change for something I feel so passionate about—protecting and growing green spaces throughout our city—has been a real inspiration. Griffin Lalli '24 Peace and Justice Studies, Political Science Legal Intern at New York Legal Assistance Group (NYLAG) About the internship: NYLAG provides free legal services through grants and taxpayer money in areas of law such as elder, immigration, and employment law. As an intern, Lalli worked in NYLAG's Consumer Protection Unit/Foreclosure Prevent Project. He met with potential clients, evaluated their needs for services, dra ed answers, and liaised with a NYLAG a orney to relay legal advice. Once NYLAG took on a case, Lalli became the client's main point of contact and worked closely with the assigned a orney, providing suppo with rules of evidence preparation, dra ing legal notices to banks and cou s, and conducting research. Working at NYLAG has given me the experience that many people don't get until they're in law school. I worked one-on-one with clients, helped dra legal documents, and so much more. I worked with an amazing team who, in eight weeks, taught me so much about foreclosure prevention, consumer law, and advocacy. This year, 17 students and seven faculty members were inducted into the Society of Fellows of Dyson College as members of the Maria Iacullo-Bird Class of Fellows. Each new class is named for a long-standing Fellow who has made a significant contribution to the ideals and activities of the Society. Clinical Professor of History Maria Iacullo- Bird, PhD, has been a prominent and engaged member of the Society of Fellows for many years, sponsoring numerous students' research. Faculty inductees: Ma hew Aiello-Lammens, PhD, associate professor of environmental science; Eduardo Chan, PhD, clinical assistant professor of mathematics; Wei Fang, PhD, assistant professor of biology; Garre FitzGerald, PhD, assistant professor of peace and justice studies; Brandyn Heppard, PhD, assistant professor of philosophy and religious studies; Erica Johnson, PhD, professor of English. Student inductees: Kristen Benes '25; Dante Dallago '24; Felicity Flores '24; Daphne Hernandez '24; Jessica Higgins '24; James Kennedy '24; Marcella Landa '24; Sahtrese McQueen '24; Cailyn Mickelsen '24; McKenna Moore '24; Anna Nahata '26; Quang Huy Nguyen '24; Jack Niemczyk '24; Megan Sánchez '24; Suzanne Smith '24; Kalina Walaski '24; Muxi Zhanghoto '22. New Undergraduate Programs Help Students Gain an Edge BS in Computational Economics In this STEM designated program jointly offered by Dyson College and Seidenberg School of Computer Science and Information Systems, students learn how to apply high-level quantitative and data analytical skills to solve economic and business-related problems. (New York City, Pleasantville). BA in International Relations and Global Studies In this program, students truly become citizens of the world as they investigate the way politics, history, culture, and economics affects the global system. Students develop a global mindset and skills to meet the needs of the twenty-first century workplace. (New York City, Pleasantville).

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