Dyson College of Arts and Sciences

Psychology Graduate Programs Catalog 2023-24

Dyson College of Arts and Sciences

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www.pace.edu/dyson/psych-nyc For comprehensive information on all University policies, please refer to the most current Pace University graduate course catalog, available on the Pace University website. Academic accommodations Pace University participates under Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973. Students with disabilities must notify the coordinator of services for students with disabilities, prior to matriculation, regarding possible educational modifications. Academic integrity 1. First year students in all graduate programs are required to complete academic integrity training, including completing Collaborative Institutional Training Initiative (CITI) in the first semester of their first year in the context of their professional seminar. 2. e Psychology department's academic integrity committee will assess and make decisions in consultation with the full faculty about how to handle individual cases of acts of academic dishonesty (e.g. plagiarizing, cheating, forging a signature, clinical ethical violations, having someone else write a paper or complete a training for you, e.g. CITI) for all graduate programs/students. 3. Consistent with the Pace University Academic Integrity Code, all acts of plagiarism and other forms of academic dishonesty will be reported to the university-wide Academic Integrity Committee. Consistent with this code and prior procedures, faculty continue to have full discretion regarding how to deal with such acts in the course in which academic integrity was compromised. 4. Any act(s) of plagiarism or other form of academic dishonesty may be grounds for failing a course, depending on the individual professor's assessment of the severity and discretion in how to handle it. Cases not resulting in failure in a course but deemed serious by the Academic Integrity Committee, in consultation with the faculty, can also warrant dismissal from the program. Depending on the severity, cases of academic dishonesty may lead to immediate dismissal. For cases of academic dishonesty that are not dealt with through failure of a course or immediate dismissal but are considered serious by the Academic Integrity Committee (in consultation with the full faculty), the first case for an individual student will result in that student being given a written warning indicating that a second offense will result in automatic dismissal from the program. A letter of dismissal from a graduate program is sent to the student by the relevant Program Director. 5. Plagiarism or other academic dishonesty issues are grounds for failing one's doctoral project or MA thesis; at the discretion of the committee, students who engage in such practices may be dismissed from the program or may have to complete a different doctoral project/MA thesis. If the committee members are in disagreement about this decision, the academic committee may appoint an arbitrator or refer the matter to the student's advisor and Program Director. 6. Students will hand in their doctoral projects and MA theses through Turnitin (for doctoral projects, enabled through PSY834/835; for MA theses by the individual advisor) before the presentations, and reports will be shared with the advisor. Students will have access to review Turnitin reports on their own work in an ongoing fashion, and students are encouraged to use that resource in a preventative fashion. Academic standing Students must maintain at least a "B" (3.00) average. Students whose averages fall below a "B" are referred to the Psychology Department Scholastic Standing Committee and may be dismissed or may be allowed a period of one semester to restore their standing to a "B" average. Failure to do so in one semester constitutes sufficient reason for dismissal from graduate programs. Two grades below "B-" in graduate courses are sufficient grounds for review by the Psychology Department Scholastic Standing Committee, and possible dismissal from the program. A grade of "F" in any course is grounds for dismissal from the program. Failure to maintain any of the standards noted in the Completion Requirements also constitutes grounds for dismissal. Leave of absence and maintaining matriculation A leave of absence is available to students who need to interrupt their graduate studies for a period of time. If a student desires a leave of absence, the request is submitted in writing to the Program Director of the appropriate graduate psychology program. A leave of absence is granted for one year; a maximum of two leaves of absence may be granted. A leave of absence means that the student does not pay a matriculation fee and therefore does not have access to university resources nor do they meet with university faculty or other personnel. A leave of absence does not extend the time for completion of a graduate program, unless specifically requested/approved and the leave of absence is due to an extraordinary circumstance. Professional and ethical conduct All psychology graduate students are expected to know and adhere to ethical guidelines of the American Psychological Association (APA) and the National Association of School Psychologists (NASP), as well as relevant NYS licensing and certification regulations. is precludes any unlicensed private practice, psychological in nature, other than in an exempt agency under appropriate supervision. e only agencies exempted are those of federal, state, county or municipal governments. Any evidence of ethical breaches is immediately and thoroughly addressed according to applicable Departmental, College, and University procedures. ese guidelines and regulations may be secured by accessing information through websites, as well as contacting these organizations and agencies directly. Some of the relevant organizations and their contact information are as follows: APA NASP 750 First Street NE P.O. Box 1295 Washington, D.C. 20002-4242 Laurel, MD 20725-1295 www.apa.org www.nasponline.org New York State Education Department: www.nysed.gov Academic Policies

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