Dyson College of Arts and Sciences

Psychology Graduate Programs Catalog 2023-24

Dyson College of Arts and Sciences

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29 Department of Psychology dismissal procedures Continued matriculation in the graduate programs is contingent upon meeting academic standards (including those noted in completion requirements), maintaining academic integrity, achieving program-specific professional competencies and adhering to ethical and professional standards as promulgated by APA and NASP. ere are certain situations which will result in automatic dismissal from the program. ese include: • A grade of "F" in any course in the Psychology Graduate Program. • Two grades below "B-" in any courses in the Psychology Graduate Program. • Failure to maintain any of the standards noted in the completion requirements. Acts of academic dishonesty (e.g., plagiarism, cheating, clinical ethical violations, forging signatures) deemed serious by the academic integrity committee, in consultation with the faculty, can also warrant dismissal from the program. Depending on the severity, cases of academic dishonesty may lead to immediate dismissal. For cases of academic dishonesty that are not dealt with through failure of a course or immediate dismissal but are considered serious by the academic integrity committee (in consultation with the full faculty), the first case for an individual student will result in that student being given a written warning indicating that a second offense will result in automatic dismissal from the program. e Psychology Department also follows all relevant Dyson College and Pace University requirements regarding academic integrity. ere are other circumstances for which problems with student performance will result in referral to a three-person subcommittee of the Scholastic Standing Committee for further deliberation and/or implementation of a plan for monitoring of student progress. ese include: • Failure to maintain at least a "B" (3.0) average in the Psychology Department Graduate programs for more than one semester. • Failure to demonstrate proficiencies in program-specific competencies. • Any report that the student is engaged in unethical or unprofessional practices. Following deliberation, the subcommittee of the Scholastic Standing Committee might recommend any number of options, including dismissal, continued academic probation, temporary part-time study, and temporary suspension of professional activities in the McShane Center or field placement settings, or, recommendation for involvement in an improvement plan (See Monitoring Student Progress). Following deliberation, the subcommittee of the scholastic standing committee will then provide a feedback meeting with the student, the student's advisor, and the relevant Program Director. e purpose of the meeting is to clarify student progress, make recommendations for student development, and develop a time-line for further student evaluation. For situations which call for automatic dismissal, the relevant Psychology Department Program Director will notify the student of their dismissal and inform them of rights and procedures related to appealing their dismissal. For situations that have been referred to the Scholastic Standing Committee, the subcommittee will make a recommendation to the faculty regarding actions to be taken. e plan must be approved by the Psychology Department Faculty. In cases where the subcommittee of the Scholastic Standing Committee recommends dismissal, this action must be approved by the Psychology Department Faculty. e relevant Program Director will then notify the student of the action. All students who have been dismissed from one of the graduate programs have the right to appeal the dismissal.* * is Revised Dismissal Procedure is effective as of November 2, 2018. Pace University has Academic Integrity Policies which may supersede Psychology Department policies.

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